Living a dream, growing together for a chance at change. Different does not necessarily mean being worse, very often it simply means seeing things from a different perspective. In NEXTPJ we believe that change is possible, improvement is desirable, but growing by building a better society is imperative.
In order to promote creative ideas and innovative projects, we need an environment that fosters their development, an environment that is conducive to creativity, innovation and good project ideas. NEXTPJ acts as a catalyst by raising awareness of future challenges and opportunities and starting from the existing potential, needs and trends searches for "IDEA" seen as not only a solution to a problem but the achievement of a higher level, an intangible improvement of an unsolved problem in its entirety. And therefore:
- Adaptable technological solutions resulting from innovation in virtuous relationships with the world of global innovation so as to bring not only innovation but also competitiveness
- Scalable and replicable solutions to promote low-cost development (since it is precisely in design and scale-up that costs and problems can be amortised)
- Data-driven products and services such as software, IT platforms, databases and ICT solutions, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), productivity-enhancing automation solutions;
- Technologies for civic culture: in other words, solutions that make citizens active participants in development and not just spectators of their own change (such as, for example, the culture of sorting waste and using waste not as waste but as a value).
“every single big problem can only be solved if it is analysed and divided into smaller problems”.
We believe that this is our system or rather our “DREAM“, a dream where people will grow and live in a virtuous system and where social progress is the basis of real progress.
“The first question our officials ask our customers?”: what is your dream?
Give me your dreams and let’s find the way to them together….